Sherlock Holmes
“A place value activity for grade 2 term 1 leaners with this caps focus point : count to at least 100 object reliably Describe the learning process Describe what the teacher will be doing Describe what the leaners will be doing Describe the teaching resource whether the students willl be using pre-group able or group able module Pls make sure that it worth a teaching phase in the lesson plan make it to easy to understand so that the lecture knows that it’s me that created this”

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“Read selected topics with understanding and critically discuss the rationale of the SIAS policy in terms of: The White Paper6 The United Nations Convention on with the Rights of Persons Disabilities (UNCRPD) Addressing barriers to learning and development Determining the support needs of all learners [The minimum page will be 10, and the maximum page will be 12 pages] A link and rubric will be provided on BB use the latest sources & reference using the Harvard referencing style”

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