Sherlock Holmes
“Write an essay of not more than five (5) typed pages (10 marks per page, reference list excluded) on the following topic: As a socialisation agent, the school as a human institution contributes towards the process of ‘creating a social self’ in an individual in society. Discuss this statement by referring to the role of the school as socialisation agent in society within the contexts of functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. “

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“Question 1 (10 Marks) Briefly differentiate between hacking and ethical hacking. Question 2 (20 Marks) Name and describe FIVE (5) types of hackers. Question 3 (15 Marks) Explain THREE (3) risks associated with ethical hacking. Question 4 (15 Marks) Describe THREE (3) ways to secure your computer from hacker USE THE FOLLLOWING RUBRIC AS A GUIDELINE TO ANSWER THE FOLOWING QUESTION; QUESTION1;10 marks will be awarded for appropriate differentiation 10 QUESTION 2 Name and describe FIVE (5) types of hackers. 1 mark will be awarded per any name and 3 marks will be awarded per corresponding description 20 QUESTION 3 Explain THREE (3) risks associated with ethical hacking. 5 marks will be awarded per explanation 15 QUESTION 4 Describe THREE (3) ways to secure your computer from hackers. 5 marks will be awarded per any description .USE THESE AS REFENCESLaudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P. (2023) Essentials of MIS. Fifteenth Edition. United States of America: Pearson Education. • Bridgoli, H. (2021) MIS. Tenth Edition. Stamford, USA: Cengage Learning. • Stair, R.M. and Reynolds, G.W. (2018) Principles of Information Systems. Twelfth Edition. Boston, USA: Cengage Learning.”

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