“Will we get to Las Vegas on time?”

As with all journeys, the destination is oft visited by chance. Luck is a fickle companion, yet if thou acquir'dst patience and stoutness of spirit, thou shalt arrive as planned.

Tis no crime to enjoy a mite of amusement along the way. Buy a deck of these playing cards and make it a game. Seek out Mary the card dealer and find out what fortune awaits thee.

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“Read selected topics with understanding and critically discuss the rationale of the SIAS policy in terms of: The White Paper6 The United Nations Convention on with the Rights of Persons Disabilities (UNCRPD) Addressing barriers to learning and development Determining the support needs of all learners [The minimum page will be 10, and the maximum page will be 12 pages] A link and rubric will be provided on BB use the latest sources & reference using the Harvard referencing style”

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