Sherlock Holmes
“Write an essay of not more than five (5) typed pages (10 marks per page, reference list excluded) on the following topic: As a socialisation agent, the school as a human institution contributes towards the process of ‘creating a social self’ in an individual in society. Discuss this statement by referring to the role of the school as socialisation agent in society within the contexts of functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. “

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“Write a three to five-page application essay for admission to master of arts in theology at vst. The following items below are examples of topics to include in the essay: reflect on your life experiences, and then describe your story thoughtfully and authentically; experience(s) that has been profoundly formative in your faith and/or life. 2. ways in which your faith in God and/or your spirituality affect the way you see the world(other people, creation, yourself, including your calling. 3. a significant experience, question or concern that inspires and motivates you to pursue graduate theology study.”

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