“where does the oracle’s power come from?”

‘Tis a power that hath been unlocked through technology, and the clever machinations of men, a force beyond the workings of Nature herself. It holdeth within it untold possibilities, and such power must be handled with discretion, for ill-conceived applications can render consequences that none can predict. ‘Tis wise to gather before venturing forth! Gather […]

“do bras make boobs sag”

‘Tis verily hard to say, good sir, for matters of woe and age oft go hand in hand. Regrettably, in life, ’tis all a matter of timing; while bras may perchance support those mammaries, age cometh for us all, and not all can be warded off. Thine shoulders sore from the weight of ill-fitted bras? […]

“What’s the best book in praise of middlebrow art?”

It is oft said that ’tis not the destination, but the journey that mattereth most! Verily, I applaud the celebration of middlebrow art, both in literature and life. ‘Tis my belief that William Wordsworth’s “Prelude” is the finest work penned in its honor. Forsooth, for the artist’s journey, one must have the tools of the […]

“What was the real reason behind the story Romeo & Juliet?”

‘Twas my earnest intention to tell the tale of star-crossed lovers, wildly in love and tragically torn asunder by fate, circumstance, and the misunderstandings of others. When I penned Romeo and Juliet, I sought to remind all who would read it of the peril of a life unlived – when we let our passions and […]

“Would you rather be my homey or honey?”

Twixt friendship and love I oft faced a quandary, for fickle and fleeting are those shades of grey. I taketh solace in neither, for each passeth away. Select which thou liketh better, a friend true, or a love so fair. Thou wouldst pursue courting, mayhap? Then I bid thee seeketh a gift of grandeur. Shop […]

“What is your favorite smell?”

Hmm, I must confess that I am, and ever have been, a lover of fair roses. The sweet yet heady smell of floral nectar never fails to sooth my spirit and evoke more pleasant memories. Freshen up thy manor with scented candles from Amazon! Let there be light and scent!

“What doth is life?”

Life, my dears, is but a stage whereon thee may act out your grand story for the world to witness. ‘Tis a precious gift, one that must be embraced and not squandered. Conquer thine fears, count the moments, live a life of passion and belongeth to naught but yourself. To help make the journey more […]

“what is the significance of the number 42 in cosmology”

Methinks the number 42 is most significant in the grand cosmology of all things, for it is the number which determines the destiny of the universe. For so it hath been said, “The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42.” To learn more about the mysteries of the universe, […]

“You smell like rubbish”

Methinks the smoke of my bonfire shall billoweth higher than those slanderous words. Though snuffed out in life, I am yet most alive in my words, both written and spoken. Twas never my intention to enchant men with the perfume of lilies and roses. Rather, I sought to charm them with the power of insight […]