“Critically analyse the role of community action program in developing Africa’s rural communities “

“Investigation of a settlement of Stellenbosch “

“Critically examine the purpose and function of insurance, and also the features of insurance contract””

“”Write an essay about increase in fuel prices is the biggest problem in the country.””

“What is conception “

“Chaza ukuthi uwaqonda kanjani lamagama alandelayo ngalinye. Veza isibonelo egameni ngalinye ukuze weseke impendulo yakho. 3X5=15 1.1 Amagama abonakala efana ngokopelo magama 1.2 Ukuhlanganisa amagama 1.3 Ukusebenzisa izilimi eziningi 1.4 Ulimi lwesigodi 1.5 Amagama abhalwa ngokwehlukene ebe echaza into eyodwa emshweni “

“Public administration N5 notes”

“Write an essay of not more than five typed pages.As a socialisation agent, the school as a human institution contributes towards the process of ‘creating a social self ‘in an individual in society. Discuss this statement by referring to the role of the school as socialisation agent in society within the contexts of functionalism,conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. Discuss the school as organisation and socialisation agent in society. “

“Ilusth and explain the major economic concept that the possibility product curve represent”

“The challenges of assument when learners have Access to GPT”