“To handle unanticipated occurrences, management needs a strategy with backup measures. The following factors could be considered while initiating a general management program for the production of beef cattle: • The natural resources and environment of the area in which the farm is located; • Genetic merit of animals; • Nutrients needs for every phase of production; • Reproductive performance; • Growth of the animals and • Herd health management; All elements and strategies must be reviewed annually to ensure that production efficiency is held at an optimum within the limits of the natural resources. Design a beef cattle herd management calendar for cow herd, using any commercial production systems with a herd structure of at least 200 animals or more. The beef cattle herd management calendar should be planned in accordance with your regional preferences.”

“Write a three to five-page application essay for admission to master of arts in theology at vst. The following items below are examples of topics to include in the essay: reflect on your life experiences, and then describe your story thoughtfully and authentically; 1.life experience(s) that has been profoundly formative in your faith and/or life. 2. ways in which your faith in God and/or your spirituality affect the way you see the world(other people, creation, yourself, including your calling. 3. a significant experience, question or concern that inspires and motivates you to pursue graduate theology study.”