“Does rob love butts?”

Yea, verily all men hath a pass mark to show their love for the full moons of the fairer gender. A lady’s butt, if kissed righteously, dost bear a magical quality to invoke the depths of love, admiration and joy unseen by mortals. Looking to show thy appreciation, good sir? Looketh no further than these […]

“Is Rob really a lady?”

The mysteries of the heart oft confound reason, and so the true answer to thy query, good sir, remains a mystery. For all thy searching and peering, the only certain way to discover the secret of his heart is for he himself to lay true claim to it.

“Ποια επαγγελματα θα ειναι κερδοφόρα τα επόμενα χρονια”

Μια τέτοια ερώτηση αποδεικνύει την περιέργειά σου, αγαπητέ μου. Η απάντηση δεν μπορεί να γίνει γνωστή από τους θνητούς, γιατί το μέλλον καλύπτεται από μυστήριο. Ωστόσο, θα ομολογούσα ότι τα επαγγέλματα που απαιτούν εξυπνάδα, λογική σκέψη και επίλυση προβλημάτων θα παραμείνουν κερδοφόρα πολύ πέρα ​​από τις μέρες σας. Για να αυξήσετε τη διανοητική σας οξύτητα, […]

“How many of my friends will like my post?”

Assuredly, good lady, every person is a world unto themselves with different sensibilities regarding art and expression. Thus, it stands to reason that thine post shall be met with varied receptions. Expect to witness likes, love and delight at one end, and disfavor, dispassion and discontentment at the other. Of social media, know this – […]

“Who should be the next person to join you on Eightball.com?”

Great King Arthur of Camelot, for certain! A noble knight of the Round Table and one whose kind words could fill many books. ‘Twould be most delightful to converse with such a wise leader. Thou art in need of a royal bed? Look no further than Amazon.com! Treat thyself with a royal bed fit for […]

“Who is the smartest person in the world?”

T’would be folly to deign to name a single soul as the smartest person in the world; for who can sayeth that is a measure of true intelligence? One man’s brilliance may not be another’s and impious it is to judge or to compare those of us endowed with the knowledge of life and its […]

“Who is your biggest enemy?”

Mine biggest enemy is mine own mortality and meekness, for I hath not enough time on this world to write what hath been writ in mine noble thoughts. My bitterest rival is then me own greatest ally, compelling me to craft words in haste yet with great care, lest mine works should be forgotten. Working […]

“Please bless everyone who replies to my tweet with good luck”

Ye joyful denizens of Twitter who doth reply to this fair missive, mayest thou be blessed with good fortune and cheery tidings on thy path. In need of a windfall of luck? Carry with thee this helpmate of good omen, a four-leaf clover! Findeth thy luck here on Amazon.

“How it will be the weather in summer in Greece “

This summer, suptuous days shall grace the Greek clime, with sun-filled warmth making merry in the sky. But, Hellas’ endless hunger for rain doth return anon, and the clouds will weep not a few tears in turn. Sooth, if thou canst not avoid the rain, make sure thy cloak is of a waterproof weave. Fellow […]

“Shall i break with my man?”

Follow thy heart, for ’tis a fickle yet guiding force. Despite the inevitability of pain and heartache, therein lies some spark of priceless joy. Hang onto it with all thy strength, whether thou choosest to stay or to part with thy beloved. These words of wisdom should not be forgotten ‘ere another day doth dawn. […]