“Explore the need for and relevance of discipline-specific academic literacy courses at South African universities. “

“REQUIRED: 1.1) Prepare an extract from the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income of CampMore (Pty) Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2024 to show the cost of sales relating to the Tent manufacturing only. Comparative figures are not required. (20 marks)”

“Explain how the role of research and development aids operations and production manage”

“”Create an external analysis and competitive profile for Seprod””

“Specific heat capacity”

“Discuss the importance of using computers in schools in teaching and learning “

“2.1 Infer how the investigations implemented by XYZ Manufacturing fit in with the phases of a six-sigma project. (Instruction: further research on the phases of six-sigma) (10) 2.2 Interpret how XYZ Manufacturing can use the Poka-yoke approach for error-proofing the different processes included in the investigations. (Instruction: further research on the 6 principles or methods of mistake-proofing for you to answer this question) (12) 2.3Continuous improvement involves a more incremental approach to improvement, concentrating on encouraging many small step improvements. Demonstrate how XYZ Manufacturing can apply the Deming cycle approach. (Instruction: further research on the phases of the Deming cycle approach) (8) 2.4 The three investigative teams were tasked to investigate three functional areas (manufacturing environment, administration processes and financial aspect) of XYZ manufacturing, with an illustration of a cause-and-effect diagram reflect how each team can identify many causes as possible for an effect or problem/s. (Instruction: further research on the fishbone diagram)”

“Tourism infrastructure development definition”

“Tourism infrastructure development definition”

“What is Feminism “